Spectral Crochet

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Location: Alberta, Canada


Monday, November 20, 2006

Winter projects

I finally finished the afghan and hat for the coworker's baby shower. It was not the Little Monkey set from the SNB Happy Hooker book that I had planned, though. I got about halfway into that one, got bored to tears of joining motifs, accidentally snipped the wrong yarn thread, and well...So yeah, that part that got done is in the crate now for the dogs and cats to nap on :P I did manage to finish the hat, and gave that to her a month ago. The new afghan I gave at her shower on Saturday.

Also I am plugging away at the Violet Beauregard skirt from SNBHH. About 3/4 of the way through, so I'm gettting excited.
I started on Knitty's Boogie vest this past weekend as well. Finished husband's Half Dome hat, which he likes.

More later, hopefully with pictures.